
God Save the Brands šŸ‘‘

I was in a Zoom meeting at home when the news about the Queen broke.

ā€œThe Queen has just diedā€, my colleague posted in the chat. 

Nobody said anything, and the meeting continued, business as usual until the chair eventually spoke up: ā€œDid someone say the Queen has died? Itā€™s a pity the last face she saw was Liz Truss.ā€ 

I kept re-reading his words, and for the rest of the meeting lost focus.

Maybe it was shock, the Keep Calm and Carry On British thing. I wasnā€™t expecting a two-minute silence but making a joke of it felt hugely disrespectful. 

I had one thought running through my mind.

I donā€™t want to work with people who donā€™t respect the Queen. A wife, a mother, a woman, and a fantastic role model who served her country for 70 years ā€“ the Queen who almost wasnā€™tā€¦ 

Just two days earlier, she was on her feet welcoming Liz Truss as our new PM ā€“ her last official duty before she died. That must have had a huge impact on Liz Truss.

Maybe she feels a sense of honour and obligation to carry that legacy. I felt that in the speeches she gave this week. 

Flashbulb memories. We remember where we were when big things happened.

When Diana died in 1997, I was in my tiny room in Maidstone, glued to my portable TV. Iā€™d just started my first job in telly at the Maidstone Studios, and my landlady was a huge fan of the Royal Family ā€“ she had mugs and memorabilia all over the house. She came home from work, and we sat staring at the screen, drinking endless cups of tea.

After the Zoom call, I lit a candle and went to the shop to buy a chocolate cake, ate two pieces for dinner, had a bit of a cry, and watched the news.

The following day, I had a text from a client asking if I could do a social about the Queen. Why the rush? Your audience isnā€™t going anywhere. LinkedIn was a ghost town ā€“ official news aside ā€“ until the brand tributes started rolling in.

Do you post or not when a big thing happens?

Itā€™s hard for brands to get it right. Post nothing; you may be seen as uncaring and out of touch. Post too much or inappropriately, and God forbid – carry on selling your products & services, and you risk a backlash. Being seen as insensitive and opportunistic. 

See here the best and worst brand tweets about the Queenā€™s death [via Matt Navarra]. Some people were even telling him to give it a rest.

Bizarre content. Black boxes with white script. Changing company logos to black ā€“ er, no, Dominoā€™s. Playmobil!! The entire McDonaldā€™s system? Iā€™m not sure what Thomas Cook was thinkingā€¦

I saw a charity shop in Battle with black outfits in the window. I get it, but it feels off-brand.

Queen Elizabeth had a strong brand image ā€“ close your eyes and picture her. What do you see? I see bright blocks of colour ā€“ fun outfits and her trademark loafers ā€“ that canary yellow jacket was my favourite. A cheeky smile and a twinkle in her eye.

Always a sharp dresser. Why not have a window display with neon colours as a tribute? That would be more fitting. 

Paddington Bear got it right. Short and sweet. Love that she was up for that. Always keep a marmalade sandwich in your handbag for emergenciesā€¦

In the end, I put this out for the client. 

What a weird week itā€™s been. Storms, flash floods, rainbows, record-breaking heatwaves, huge moons. Back to school. A new PM. The Queen died. A new King.

Lots of emotional speeches and storytelling bring people together. 

Lizā€™s speech was good but sombre. A nice touch of humour from Boris and Theresa May ā€“ I love the cheese story. I imagine the Queen putting her foot down, driving around Balmoral, and stopping to chat with the stag. 

I thought Charlesā€™ tribute to his ā€˜darling mamaā€™ was lovely ā€“ especially the last line about flights of angels. 

And the 96-year-old woman who summed it up eloquently on Channel 4 News. Sheā€™s had a good life. Thatā€™s the way to go – no hospital, working till the end. Welcoming the new PM two days before she died.

I bought myself a vintage Pringle cardigan and a silk skirt – work event in London this week and will go pay my respects (more agonising about whether to cancel such things as weā€™re in a period of mourning, but itā€™s not the state funeral and I think the Queen would want business as usual).

The Queen has received a piece of Pringle knitwear every year since 1947 and wrote a thank you letter back each time.

Sure it will be a beautiful funeral šŸ’œ

First published on The Shift, September 11 2022.

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